AP Literature Resources
Check Your Grades on Aeries
Senior Profile Packet for Letters of Recommendation
MLA Format Handout
MLA Format Template
Set Your Chromebook to Print in Room 21 (see the printer for the IP address)
Where to Eat for Prom
AP Exam Score Chart
Link to AP Lit for Dummies, 2008 Edition
College English Placement Test Information (checked Fall, 2023):
- Chabot & Ohlone no longer require a math or English placement test.
- The California State Universities use your SBAC score from your junior year.
- University of California English-Placement Information
Official Digital SAT Practice at Khan Academy
Official ACT Information (click here, then scroll down to Overview)
Imagining Argentina
Unit Calendar & Essay Topic
Othello PDF
Othello en Español
Reflective/College Essay
Week 9 Slideshow
Week 10 Slideshow
Week 11 Slideshow
Week 12 Slideshow
Week 13 Slideshow
Week 14 Slideshow
Week 15 Slideshow
Week 16 Slideshow
Week 17 Slideshow
Prosecuting Attorneys' Brief
Defense Attorneys' Brief
Guidelines for Lawyers: Opening and Closing Statements and Examination of Witnesses
Sample Witness Script
Objections During the Trial
Mock Trial: Courtroom Layout
Video #1: Mock Trial Flow
Video #2: Mock Trial: The People vs. Joe Jones
People vs. McCoy : California Supreme Court cites Othello! Search for "othello" once you're on the page . . .
The Handmaid's Tale
Greek Plays