Try out Tools and Filters

Try out all of the tools and filters, and tell me about your favorite ones.


1. Open the original Bat Boy image to use as a test for the tools, effects, and filters.

If you don't have the original Bat Boy image, open any image you want.


2. Play with all the unfamiliar tools on the left side of your screen.

Click on each one that you haven't used already, and play with it. When you select a tool, the bar above the image will change to show you the options--be sure to adjust the options, too.

After you play with each tool, be sure to click on Edit-->Undo before playing with the next one.


3. On binder paper, write which 3 tools you think are the most useful. Don't turn it in yet--you have one more thing to do first.


4. Play with all the filters:

Select them from the Filter menu at the top of the screen. Play with all the filters in all of the categories.


5. On the same document or paper as the three useful tools, write what your 3 favorite filters are.