Introduction to Mac OS X
Based on Nadine
Wettlaufer's notes at:
Used with permission.
The MacOS X Desktop
MacOS X uses the metaphor of a desktop to
help organize and facilitate what you want to do on the Mac. The desktop
looks like this:
![[MacOS X Desktop]](introtoosx_files/desktopNhardriveselect.jpg)
Important parts of the Desktop:
- Hard Drive:
![[Hard drive]](introtoosx_files/hardrive.jpg)
(towards the top right of the desktop)
In Macs running OS X, the
hard drive has designated spaces for different things. There is a
special folder where all programs are installed (the Applications
folder), and particular folders named Documents in which you can save
your work. If you double-click the hard drive icon, it opens a window
that lets you look for what you need on the ard drive.
PCs usually label their hard drives as drive C or drive D, and their
CD/DVD drives as drive D or drive E, etc. Macs do not use letters to
identify their drives. The hard drive on a Mac is simply referred to as
the hard drive, and is often named Macintosh HD. If you look at the
desktop of your computer, near the top right of the screen should be the
icon with the name Macintosh HD.
The Apple Menu:
(hold the mouse down at the top left of the screen):
Allows you to restart and
shut down the computer, change computer settings (under System
Preferences and Dock), and find useful applications (under Recent
The Current
Application name:
(beside the Apple menu at the top left of the screen):
Diplays which application
is currently running and active (meaning, which application is at the
front and is currently being used).
Here, the current application is Photoshop, because its name is visible
beside the blue apple. Even though a Netscape window is also visible on
the screen, Photoshop is the program that is at the front.
- The Dock: (usually at the
bottom of the screen):
![[The Dock in context]](introtoosx_files/dock_context.jpg)
The Dock closer up:
![[The Dock]](introtoosx_files/dock_close.jpg)
The Dock holds the Trash can (for deleting files like the recycle bin
does in Windows), icons of running applications, shortcuts to other
applications, as well as any minimized windows.
Dock Preferences:
To set Dock preferences, hold down on the Apple menu and choose Dock:
![[Dock Preferences]](introtoosx_files/dock_prefs.jpg)
Magnification can be turned on and off in the Dock menu. Magnification
On makes the program icons in the Dock get larger when the mouse
is over top of them.
Hiding can also be turned on and off. Hiding means that the Dock will
automatically "hide" itself off screen when it is not in use (when your
mouse is not moving over top of it). To get the Dock back, put your
mouse to the correct edge of the screen and wait a moment.
The position of the Dock is usually at the bottom of the screen, but,
it can be set to appear at the left or right side of the screen instead.
More Dock preferences (like size, Magnification scale, Genie Effect,
etc.) can be set by choosing Dock preferences...
What is the Finder?
The finder is a basic Mac application
that runs all the time. It is the Mac OS running constantly in the
background, sort of like how Windows runs constantly on a PC. The Finder
is where we run and quit programs, copy files/folders, trash
files/folders, connect to servers, open disks and drives, eject disks,
adjust volume, and do various tasks involving files/folders.
So that you can switch to it at any time, the blue Finder icon is
always in the Dock, on the extreme left hand side:
If you double-click on a folder, disk, or a drive, the window that
opens is always part of the Finder. Here is the window you get when you
double-click on the Hard Drive:
![[hard drive window]](introtoosx_files/machd_window.jpg)
Finder Windows
Finder windows in OS X look like the
above graphic. They let you navigate through the files and folders on
your computer.
Changing View Settings:
Files and folders can be displayed in different ways, by using
different Views. The buttons for changing a window's View are located
towards the top left of the window.
The three views in OS X are:
- Icon view
- List view
- Column view
Icon View:
Clicking the Icon View button (furthest left of the three view buttons)
shows all folders and files in that Window as icons, with the
corresponding file or folder name below each icon:
![[icon view]](introtoosx_files/iconview.jpg)
List View:
Clicking the List View button (the middle of the three view buttons)
shows all folders and files in that Window in a list.
![[list view]](introtoosx_files/listview.jpg)
The advantage of List View is that a lot of files and folders can be
listed and visible, along with a lot of information about each file and
folder. Information about each item in the list includes the file/folder
Name, the Date Modified, the Size, and the Kind. Notice that these are
the names of the four columns you see in a window's List View. If you
click on the name of one of these four columns, the files/folders will
be listed in order according to that attribute.
Notice that Date Modified has been clicked in the above illustration.
- Name lists files/folders
alphabetically by name.
- Clicking on Size lists files in
order of size, which could help you locate the largest files in a
- Clicking on Date Modified will
list newest (or most recently modified) files at the top, and oldest
files at the bottom.
- Clicking on Kind lists files by
kind, like grouped with like (all .html files will be listed together,
all .psd files will be listed together, etc.)
Column View:
Clicking the Column View button (furthest right of the three view
buttons) shows all folders and files in that Window listed in a column.
If you click on any folder in that column list, that folder's contents
will then be displayed in the next column to the right. And any folder
clicked on in this new column will diplay its contents in yet another
column to the right, etc.
![[column view]](introtoosx_files/columnview.jpg)
There may end up being so many columns in the window that they can't
all be visible at the same time. In this case, you will notice that a
sideways scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the window, to allow
you to scroll to the left or right in order to see all the columns in
the window.
If you ever get lost or disoriented using Column View, remember that
you can always click on the Macintosh HD shortcut on the left size of
the window (or on the Applications or Documents shortcut) to reset the
window to display a certain location,
The Forward and Back Buttons
Each Finder window has a Forward button and a Back button near the top
left of the window: ![[forward and back buttons]](introtoosx_files/forwardback.jpg)
If you have been clicking around inside the window, going into various
folders, you can use the Back button to back up to whatever you were
looking at previously with the window.
This works a bit like the back button in a web browser -- it doesn't
matter what the last folder contents in the window were, or where they
are located on the computer; what matters is what contents you looked at
last using the window, and then what you looked at before that in the
window, and before that, etc. The Back button backs you up through each
in the reverse order you looked at them.
Similarly, the Forward button will move you forward through what you
have looked at in that window.
The Three Very Top Left Window Buttons
Finder windows, as well as many windows in other programs, can be
closed, minimized, or resized using the three buttons at the top left
side of the window:
- red button (furthest to the left)
closes the window.
- yellow button (middle of the three)
minimizes the window
- green button (furthest to the
right) resizes the window
Here, a Netscape windowis being minimized using the yellow button:
![[Netscape Minimize Button]](introtoosx_files/netscape_minbutton.jpg)
The minimized window zooms down into the right end of the Dock (by the
Trash Can). An icon representing the window will stay in the Dock,
waiting until you wish to use the window again. The window is not
closed, just out of your way.
![[Minimized window icon ]](introtoosx_files/netscape_minimizedwin.jpg)
When you put the mouse over the window icon in the Dock, the name of
the window displays. To maximize the window (make it return to normal),
click on the window icon in the Dock. It will return to its previous
size and position, and its icon will disappear from the Dock.
Most kinds of windows, in the Finder or in another program, can be
minimized this way.
Adjusting Volume on the Mac:
At the top right of the destop, there
will usually be a volume menu that you can use to adjust the volume of
your computer. Click on the speaker icon and a volume slider appears.
Drag up to increase volume, and down to decrease the volume: ![[Volume menu]](introtoosx_files/menuvolcontrol.jpg)
An alternative to using the volume menu may be on your Mac keyboard
(assuming that it is a relatively new keyboard). Look at the four
buttons at the top right of most recent Mac keyboards. The three
leftmost buttons should control volume. One button increases volume, one
decreases it, and one is a mute button. Press the mute button once to
turn volume off, and press it again to turn it on again.
To Run a Program:
Programs are sometimes referred to as
applications. The word program and the word application mean the same
All programs that are currently running will have an icon in the Dock.
Even programs that do not usually have icons in the Dock will show up in
the Dock when they are running (when you quit a program whose icon is
not usually in the Dock, the icon disappears from the Dock).
You have several choices for how to run programs in OS X:
- Look under the Apple menu >
Recent Items: (but remember that the only programs listed here will
be those programs which have been used most recently):
![[Recent Items]](introtoosx_files/recentitems.jpg)
Choosing an application out of the list will start that application up.
Not all applications installed on the computer will be represented in
the Recent Items list. If you can't find what you need in the dock, try
one of the following options instead:
- Click the application icons in
the dock (but remember that each computer may have different icons in
the dock):
![[The Dock]](introtoosx_files/dock_close.jpg)
Clicking an application icon in the dock will start that application
up. Not all applications installed on the computer may be represented in
the dock. If you can't find what you need in the dock, try the
following option instead:
- Find the program where it is
installed on the hard drive (this works on all Macs with OS X):
- Double-click on the hard drive
on the desktop.
The hard
drive icon will be towards the top right of the screen.
- A window will open:
![[hard drive window]](introtoosx_files/machd_window.jpg)
- Click on the icon named
Applications, which may be along the top edge of the window, or, as in
this case, along the side. Now you will be able to see the folders of
all Applications available on this computer.
![[applications window]](introtoosx_files/machd_applications.jpg)
- Double-click on the folder of
the program you want to run.
- Then, in the window, find the
program and double-click on it.
- That program will start up.
Open a File in a Program:
There are several ways to open up a file
in a program:
- With the File Menu, choose Open
- Use the Apple + o shortcut
- Drag File to Program Icon in Dock
With the File Menu, choose Open:
When the name of program you want to work in is visible at the top left
of the screen, and you wish to open up a file to work on, or to see,
choose File > Open like so:
OR, in Netscape: ![[file open]](introtoosx_files/netscape_fileopen.jpg)
A window will then come up to let you find the file on the hard drive
that you wish to open.
Use the Apple + o shortcut:
As an alternative to the above, when the name of program you want to
work in is visible at the top left of the screen, hold down the Apple
key, and, at the same time, press o (not zero). This will bring up the
window to let you find the file on the hard drive that you wish to open.
Drag File to Program Icon in Dock:
Sometimes you will not be in the program that you wish to work in, but
you have the file you want to work on in front of you. If the program
you need is showing its icon in the Dock, you can simply drag the file
you wish to open onto the program's icon in the Dock like so, and then
release your mouse: ![[drag to icon in dock]](introtoosx_files/drag2programicon.jpg)
Here, a .psd file on the Desktop is dragged to the Photoshop icon so
that the icon hilites. When the mouse is released, the .psd file will
open into Photoshop.
Save a File in a Program:
When you need to save a file, you have
two basic options:
- Choose File > Save or File
> Save As... etc.
- Use the keyboard shortcut Apple
+ s
If the Save window opens after you have
used one of the above options, you may sometimes find that the window is
quite short, without a way to easily view where you are saving:
![[save with closed window navigation]](introtoosx_files/saveclosednav.jpg)
Notice that there is a menu of choices beside the word "Where:" -- this
lets you choose a recently used folder, or certain shortcut folders.
However, these may not get you where you want to save the file, so
notice where the mouse is in the illustration above. Clicking on the
button the mouse is over will open the window's navigation options,
which will look like so:
![[save with open window navigation]](introtoosx_files/saveopennav.jpg)
Now you have the option of using a standard method of finding where you
want to save the file. Note the shortcuts to the hard drive, the
Desktop, and the Documents folder (among others) that are on the left
side of the newly opened navigation area in the window.
Once you have navigated to the place you wish to save your file, click
the Save button.
See all Programs that are currently
All programs that are currently running
will have an icon in the Dock, so looking at the Dock is essential. Even
programs that do not usually have icons in the Dock will show up in the
Dock when they are running (when you quit a program whose icon is not
usually in the Dock, the icon disappears from the Dock).
Any application icon in the Dock having a little black triangle under
it (pointing at the icon) indicates an application that is currently
![[Applications running in dock]](introtoosx_files/dock_appsrunning.jpg)
Here, the Finder, Netscape, and Photoshop are running.
Switch from one program to another
program that's already running:
The program name visible towards the top
right of the screen (right beside the blue apple) is the name of the
program currently in use. To switch to another program, you can use the
In the Dock, clicking on the icon of the program that you want to
switch to will bring the program to the front (if it was already
running) or will start the program running and bring it to the front (if
the program wasn't already running). Remember, the little black
triangles under the icons in the Dock indicate which programs are
currently running.
So, if I clicked on the Netscape icon in the dock, I would then see
Netscape's name near the top left of the screen (and I might also see a
Netscape window on screen):
![[Netscape name shows]](introtoosx_files/netscape_namevis.jpg)
Switch Programs With a Keyboard Shortcut:
On the PC, people use the Alt and the Tab keys to quickly switch
between programs that are running. You can do a similar thing in Mac OS
X like this:
- Hold down the Apple key
- Press and release the Tab key once
(keep the Apple key down).
- An application switching display
will show up:
![[Alt + Tab application switching]](introtoosx_files/alttabswitchmenu.jpg)
Here there are three programs running. TextEdit is currently the
selected application.
- Keep holding the Apple key while
pressing and releasing the Tab key to change which application is
currently selected.
- When the desired program is
selected, release the Apple key. OS X will stop switching programs and
will go into the one you selected.
Quit programs that are running that
you are not using:
It is not a good idea to let programs
that you are not using continue to run. The more programs that are
running, the slower the computer will work. Too many programs running
can crash the computer. So the best policy is to quit programs that you
are not currently using, and try to avoid running 5 or more programs at
a time (this number is approximate, and will vary from computer to
computer, or with what you are trying to do on the computer at any given
As soon as you sit down at a computer, you should check to see which
programs are running, and quit those programs you do not need. Remember,
little black triangles under program icons in the Dock indicate which
programs are currently running.
You have several choices for how to quit programs that you are not
- Quit by using the application's
- Switch to the application that
you wish to quit.
- Go to the application's name at
the top left of the screen (beside the apple menu):
![[Netscape application name]](introtoosx_files/netscape_namevis.jpg)
- Hold down on the application's
name to show the menu:
![[Netscape menu quit]](introtoosx_files/netscape_menu_quit.jpg)
- Choose Quit, which will
be at the bottom of the menu.
- The program will quit.
- Quit by using the Apple key + Q
(keyboard shortcut):
- Switch to the program that you
wish to quit.
- Make sure the program's name
appears at the top left of the screen (beside the apple menu),
indicating that it is currently the active program.
- Hold down the Apple key AND
then press Q.
- The program will quit.
- Quit by using the Dock and the
Control key:
- Go to the dock.
- Find the program that is
currently running that you wish to quit:
![[Netscape running in dock]](introtoosx_files/dock_appsrunning.jpg)
In this case, I wish to quit Netscape.
- Hold the Control key AND
click the program icon at the same time.
- A small menu will pop up from
the icon in the dock:
![[Dock quit menu]](introtoosx_files/netscape_dockquit.jpg)
- From the small menu, choose Quit.
- The program will quit.
Emptying the Trash in Mac OS X:
In OS X, the trash is located in the
dock, at the end on the right-hand side.
How the Trash looks when it's empty: ![[trash]](introtoosx_files/trashempty.jpg)
The trash allows you to delete files (like the recycle bin does in
Windows). Just drag the files or folders you want to delete over the
trash icon in the dock, and then release your mouse when the trash icon
hilites. This should put those files or folders into the trash, ready to
be deleted. The trash icon will change to indicate that there are things
inside it to be deleted.
How the Trash looks when it's got things inside it to be deleted: ![[trash is full]](introtoosx_files/trashfull.jpg)
How to empty the trash to delete files inside of it:
- Go to the dock.
- Hold down the Control key
AND click on the Trash icon.
- A small menu will pop up from the
Trash icon:
![[empty trash menu]](introtoosx_files/trash_emptymenu.jpg)
- Click on Empty Trash from
the small menu. This will delete the files from the trash.
- Release the Control key.
PC User Confusion about how Disks
work on a Mac:
PCs usually label their floppy drives as
drives A, their hard drives as drive C or drive D, and their CD/DVD
drives as drive D or drive E, etc. Macs do not use letters to identify
their drives. The hard drive on a Mac is simply referred to as the hard
drive, and is often named Macintosh HD. If you look at the desktop of
your computer, near the top right of the screen should be an icon with
the name Macintosh HD. This is the Mac's hard drive, where you can store
files and find programs to run. ![[Hard drive]](introtoosx_files/hardrive.jpg)
How to put a CD/DVD into the Drive:
Unlike PCs, Macs often don't have buttons on the front of the case to
eject the CD/DVD drive tray. On the more recent Mac keyboards, the
button at the very top right of the keyboard is the eject button for the
door of the CD/DVD drive.
Once you have put your CD or DVD into the drive tray, just press the
same button to close the tray so the disk goes into the computer.
When a Disk is put into the Drive It Shows Up on the Desktop
On a Mac, when you put a disk into the drive (like a zip disk, CD,
DVD), or when you connect a USB drive, a disk icon shows up on the
desktop on the right side of the screen.
A CD inserted into the computer shows up like this:
A USB drive connected to the computer shows up like this:
Double-click on the disk icon that shows up to open a window to see
what's on the disk.
Ejecting a Disk
To eject a zip disk, CD or DVD:
- Drag the disk icon on the desktop
to the Trash
- Notice that the Trash icon changes
to say Eject:
![[ejecting disk]](introtoosx_files/cd_ejecting.jpg)
- When the Trash changes to the Eject
icon, release the mouse
- The disk icon should disappear, and
the disk should eject
Disconnecting from a USB Drive
To disconnect from a USB drive:
- Drag the drive icon on the desktop
to the Trash
- Notice that the Trash icon changes
to say Eject:
![[ejecting disk]](introtoosx_files/usbdrive_ejecting.jpg)
- When the Trash changes to the Eject
icon, release the mouse
- The drive icon should disappear,
and it should be safe to disconnect the physical drive cable or
Deleting files off of Disks
On a PC, whenever you drag files into the Recycling Bin from the hard
drive, you have to then tell the Recycling Bin to empty itself in order
to delete those files. This works the same way on a Mac; when you drag
files into the Trash from the hard drive, you have to then tell the
Trash Can to empty itself in order to delete those files.
However, when you drag files on a Mac from a disk OTHER THAN the hard
drive into the Trash, it does not work the same as on a PC:
On a Mac, when you drag
files that are on a zip or floppy disk into the Trash, the files are
still taking up space on that disk! The files are in the Trash AND
still taking up space on the disk.
(This is in contrast to a PC, where the files from a floppy or zip disk
would be deleted automatically when dropped into the Recycle Bin.)
On a Mac, you must now empty the Trash yourself (by choosing Special
> Empty Trash) for the zip or floppy disk to be rid of the file and
get the space back that the file was using.
Copying Files off of a Disk
If you double-click on a disk icon you get a window opening to show
what's on the disk.
Be aware that if you want to copy files off the disk, you should copy
them onto the hard drive by following these steps:
- double-click on the hard drive
- in the window that opens, double-click on the Documents folder
- drag the files you want to copy from the disk window to the
Documents folder window, and release your mouse
- the files should copy into the Documents folder on the hard
You should always put your files in the
Documents folder.
Watch for the little plus sign (+) beside your mouse pointer icon
when copying to or from a flash drive: a + beside your mouse means that
you are COPYING (a new copy is going to be made in the place you're
dropping the file).
However, no + sign means you are just
MOVING the file to the location you are dragging it to (so the file will
no longer be in the original location, only in the new location), not
copying the file (which would give you a file in the original location,
AND in the new location).
Holding down the option key will make
the plus appear or disappear while dragging (copying instead of moving,
or vice-versa).
Starting an eMac:
Press and hold the round power button
on the right side of the computer for a moment (it's behind the place
where most of the cables plug in).
Restarting or Shutting Off a Mac in
Restarting the Mac will make it
shut off for a moment and then immediately start up again. This is
easier on the computer, but occasionally will not solve crashes or other
Shutting Down the Mac means that it will shut off.
If you are having technical problems, and you have already tried
restarting (above) you should next try shutting down, and then starting
the computer back up after a minute.
- Go to the apple menu at the top
left of the screen.
- Hold your mouse down on it and then
choose Restart or Shut Down:
If a Mac crashes:
If your Mac crashes or freezes, and you
have waited a minute to see if it is going to recover, here are some
things you can try...
Cancel the operation in
This may force the program to stop doing whatever it's doing that has
frozen operations:
Hold down the Apple key and press period (.) at the same time:
apple + .
If this doesn't work (it usually doesn't), progress to the options
Force-Quitting a program:
This should force the crashed program you are in to quit:
Hold down the Escape key, and the Option key, and the Apple key at the
same time:
esc + option + apple
If this doesn't work, progress to the options below...
Restart or Shutdown using Apple Menu:
Use the instructions in the section above to restart or shut down the
The computer should shut down for a moment, and then start back up.
If this doesn't work, progress to the options below...
Forced Shutdown using button:
Hold down the power button for 10 seconds. The computer will shut
Wait at least five seconds, then press the power button again, and
the computer will start up.
Quitting Netscape or Internet
Explorer on a Mac:
Unlike on a PC, when you close the
Netscape or Explorer window on a Mac you have not quit the program! If
you check the applications running with the dock, the Netscape or
Explorer program name will still be listed, showing that the program is
still running.
Before closing the Netscape window:
![[netscape window open]](introtoosx_files/netscape_window.jpg)
After closing the Netscape window:
![[netscape still runs]](introtoosx_files/netscape_stillruns.jpg)
Notice how Netscape application name is still showing up beside the
apple menu at the top left? This shows that Netscape is still running.
To quit Netscape or Internet Explorer:
- To quit the current program, select
the program's name menu (at the top, towards the left), then slide your
mouse down and choose Quit:
![[quitting netscape menu]](introtoosx_files/netscape_menu_quit.jpg)
- The program will no longer be
running, and it will no longer be indicated in the dock as a running
Open a new browser window in Netscape
or Explorer:
In Netscape, choose File, and
then New and then choose Window.
(I could also write this as File > New >
In Explorer, choose File, and then New Window.
(I could also write this as File > New
Apple + N (holding down the apple key and the N key) is the keyboard
shortcut for opening a new window in both IE and Netscape, as well in as
many other programs.
Some Shortcut Keys for Mac OS X
apple + tab
change quickly between programs that are running
(works while in a program or in the Finder)
apple + q
quits programs (works while in a program)
apple + c
copy (works while in a program)
apple + v
paste (works while in a program)
apple + s
save (works while in a program)
apple + p
print (works while in a program or in the
apple + o
open a file (works while in a program)
apple + n
new window or document (works in the Finder
and in many programs)
shift + apple + n
new folder (works while in the Finder)
force quitting a program:
esc + option + apple (works while in a program or in
the Finder)