Fixing a Bad Photo

Lighten up a photo with a dark subject in the foreground (should have used fill flash!)


1. Download a bad photo to your desktop

You can search Google Images or use this bad photo that my dad took of me instead.

Click "back" in your browser after looking at the picture to return to these directions.


2. Open the picture in Photoshop.


3. Crop the picture to get rid of the white (if you're using my photo).

Use the rectangular marquee tool (dashed box on the toolbar to the left--the one you used for copying and pasting the letters on the blimp) to select the picture, not the white. Then, from the menu bar at the top of the screen, click on Image-->Crop.


4. Alter the picture so that the dark subject stands out better.

Zoom in so that you can see better (View-->Zoom In two or three times ).

Click on Image-->Adjustments-->Shadows and Highlights.

Move the top and bottom sliders until the photo looks the best, then click OK.


5. Get rid of any other small annoyances that spoil the picture.

I erased some light dots on my face with the clone stamp.



6. Save the picture on your desktop under a different name.